Friday, January 21, 2011

The House is still standing...barely

So either the crockpot is the safest kitchen appliance EVER or I am one lucky girl.  Seriously.

Yesterday I decided to make a crockpot meal because, let's face it, it's so much easier to dump a bunch of ingredients in a slow cooker, let them cook themselves, and then move on with your day than it is to actually cook dinner.  So I pulled the crockpot from the closet, threw in my ingredients, put it on low and left for the day.

For the DAY.

The meal magically cooked itself, as all crockpot meals do.  We happily ate and I went to start cleaning up the mess.  I noticed as I spooned the remainder of the Swiss Casserole Chicken into a bowl that the stoneware didn't seem to be level in the bottom of the heating base.  I didn't think much of it.  Until I removed the stoneware.

And realized that a Swiffer Duster Refill had somehow landed in the heating base.  It was just laying there.  It wasn't even burnt.  I suppose I could have kept it and used it but I was so shocked to find it in there that I threw it away (as quickly as I could without hubs noticing what I was pulling from the crockpot).

So, one of two things happened.  Either I'm crazy and I store my swiffer duster refills in my crockpot OR when my mom came to visit and we hastily cleaned up the kitchen, MH saw the duster refill laying out, threw it in the closet (with it landing in the heating base) and I then threw the stoneware in the heating base, you know, where it GOES, without realizing the swiffer refill was in there because I'm short and couldn't actually see into the base. 

My bet is the second scenerio is what happened.

Either way, my house did not catch on fire and I am very thankful for that.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Aunt Died

It's actually not fair for me to spring that on you like that.  She didn't die recently.  She died almost 2 years ago (well, a year and a half - she died in June of 2009).  Then I had another aunt die last June.  Actually, if you are reading this, and you are my aunt, my best advice is lock yourself in your home for the month of June.  Or not...since both aunts died in their home...

Anyway, to the point.  My aunt died in June of 2009.  My aunt also had a facebook account like every other person in this world, except my grandmothers, they don't do facebook...yet.  Obviously we were facebook friends.  We also have quite a few mutual friends, some friends who requested I be their friend after my aunt died.

My aunt and I have one shared friend in particular.  We'll call her Judy because that's her name.  Judy likes to play all those facebook games.  You know, Farmville, CafeWorld, I-have-no-life-so-I-am-going-to-play-on-facebook-all-day-and-pretend-I-do-Land.  And like all other annoying facebook game players, Judy sends requests to everyone.

Everyone, that is, except me because I have FINALLY figured out how to block people from asking me to nail them...or whatever it is they want me to do.

Judy sends these requests almost daily to my dead aunt.  And everyday when I log in I see "Judy just sent [your aunt] a pie in CafeWorld!" or "Judy wants [your aunt] to come milk her cows in Farmville!" or whatever other thing you do in those games.  Every time my aunt's name pops up it...kind of hurts.  Because she's not there to accept the damn pie and she can't milk a cow, especially not on the freaking computer (hello!  Does anyone else find these games as stupid as I do???).

Recently Judy posted on Aunt's wall and said: "Dearest [M's Aunt]: I know you know my intention is honorable. I keep sending you stuff cause it helps me keep your memory alive. There are people who find it to be disrespectful and cruel....but I don't mean it that way. You know that. I know that. Your husband knows that.  It is all that matters."

Um, really?  Sending her a freaking pie on facebook is keeping her memory alive?  Try again Judy.  Why don't you just admit that when the little box pops up that says "These are your friends playing [whatever game]...who do you want to send [something] to?" you pick my aunt every.single.time because her name is on the list and you pick EVERYONE on the list.  We're not stupid.  Keep her memory alive by putting her picture up in your house, not by flooding her facebook wall with stupid game requests she can't answer!  Especially since her teenage son is also on facebook and sees these stupid game requests you send her, just like I see them.

A part of me would like to get Aunt's password from her husband and log in to her account and start responding to all those requests.  Then post on Judy's wall: "Thank you so much for working so hard to keep my memory alive.  Just for that I've decided to come back from the dead.  And haunt you.  Sweet dreams!"