Wednesday, December 8, 2010

And we're back...

Ok, we're isn't totally accurate since it's just me.  And back isn't totally accurate since I haven't had a blog on blogger in a very long time (long = 7 years...has it really been that long???).

I'm not that interesting.  I'm not that entertaining.  But every now and then I come up with something useful to say that I thought I would share.  I live in a small town.  Small probably doesn't do this town justice.  Miniscule may be more accurate...miniscule in population, large in area.  Such is the way of Virginia I suppose. 

You may remember me.  My most "famous" blog (read: the blog that had at least 20 followers) was "As The Law Books Close."  It was a good blog.  I can't remember why I closed it down.  I think I got tired of people telling me what I should and shouldn't write about. we go again....

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